I'm ready for 2010. Anyone else feel the same? It's been a difficult year for me, my family, my dearest friends and even strangers. Although, we will be blessed with Mark and Evan very soon, and for that I am grateful! I cannot wait to meet them and welcome them into our world! How precious newborns are, *hug*.
Most who are (or not) reading this, know it's been a crappy year for me health-wise. Two episodes of a stomach virus; 3 episodes of mastitis - one of which put me in the hospital for 5 days; tummy issues - just had a stomach scope a few weeks ago and found out I have
gastritis, a.k.a. stomach inflammation. I'm on an acid reducer for 2 months, so hopefully it's just from acid and I won't have to go through additional testing. And today I find out that I have
Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC). I've had pain in my right wrist for a while now and I just figured it was nothing to worry about and would get better on its own. Well, it has slowly gotten worse so I decided to go see an orthopedic surgeon. Basically, I have torn cartilage in my wrist. Treatment options are:
1. Do nothing, until pain gets worse
2. Cast - over the entire arm and elbow - for 6 weeks (not an option with a 9 month old!)
3. Splint/anti-inflammatory meds, such as Aleve (can't do this because of my tummy issues and splint won't help 100% because I will still be able to twist my arm, from palm down to palm up)
4. Surgery - arthoscopy (like they do with the knees, elbows, etc)
I'm leaning towards option 1 or 4. I'm not in severe pain, so why do anything? But, then again, before it gets to that point, should I take care of it now, while I'm working part-time and have a semi-immobile child? So, we'll see. It's an outpatient procedure and I would only have a splint on for 1-2 weeks, and then I should be good to go, with a few weeks to full recovery.
Thank God for insurance. I cannot even begin to think about paying for all of these docs and medical care from my own pocket. Scary. I have heard that the year after giving birth/having a c-section can be pure HELL on your body. Well, I am full proof of that. So, what else can come my way? I pray, nothing, but will continue to get through the rest of this year every way possible! I've got a darling angel to inspire me!
Let the countdown begin, only
94 days until 2010!
Til next time....